After going to Skok and having geoduck chowder and apple cake with Pete and Marilee and Kareem and Felicia, and talking to Susan about a website for her weavings, and taking a few pictures (a having Marilee take more for me!), I drove into Oly to see Connie and Dave. They just finished replacing a dead Japanese maple with a fabola bermed tree-and-rocks-and-plants. Looks very nice and Zen-like. I suggested Sam might create watery-wavy lines in the lawn by carefully pouring gasoline in the correct pattern, then firing it. I don't think they're going to take me up on my suggestion. I wonder why not? Connie has just given away a large houseplant she'd nutured for 30 years. Don't trust any houseplants over 30! I always say that. They have a huge fern that would be great in a palm-tree trunk base -- I like that idea a lot -- maybe I'll make a million off it. Next! They fed me dinner -- I'm a lucky cadger! I drove home and have been fielding questions from several sources while trying to process the images from my camera. Some Pete, some Susan, some Pete and Kareem.
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