I went up to Skok to see Pete and Marilee and Kareem and Felicia -- I started taking Kareem up to learn carving when he was 13 -- now he's just a month from 17. I believe in mentoring, and that for many kids it takes someone to speak up and arrange things, and commit to it, and drive -- and that's AS WELL AS the mentor -- hey, as I always say, I'm just the driver (I'm out of a job now Felicia is driving!). All this is about helping children become wonderful adults -- and some people can use more help than others. If you make a commitment in your heart to help children learn what they need to know to be happy and good, you can realistically only help a few at the most in a big way, but you may help many more in a lesser way, and also by providing a role model, or by being a role model for an adult who may become a mentor.
That's all good, right?
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