Lucia says I should point out that the little girl in the picture at the bottom is me. That was about 1958 or 9, I would reckon. I am from a big bow-and-arrow nation, as you can see. If I didn't have MS I think I'd probably be doing archery. I used to be rather good at fencing, and of course, I had horses until I was in my middle thirties. One thing I despise about being a freaking crip is that I can't have the relationship I want with my environment -- in other words, I used to spend hours just about every day walking or riding in the woods, and now I trip on anything with a trippable surface. Trippable means a lump the thickness of a piece of paper (just about, anyway). Or a depression, or an incline, or a loose surface... I am actually glad for the things I've learned from having MS, but -- get this -- I'M DONE, now.
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