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23 October 2002

Tyrannosaurus Veg
I am getting weekly organic vegetable shares -- and I'm eating a ton of vegetables but I still can't keep up -- I used to have the nice empty fridge I called "an old-age home for condiments," but for the next week or two it'll be a zucchini graveyard. El Reeko. I was motivated to get the share because a) it's good for me, b) my friends were starting a horticultural therapy program and I wanted to support their good work, and c) my mother has been having chemo since Christmas (it's over now, thank heavens) and I thought it would be a help to her to have high-quality food. Well, I'm trying. "Very trying," Connie would say.

I think my great niece Caitlin's fishes GooGooGoggles and Co. should have a website and a store. I want my niece to take pictures and write amusing words and I'll make the site and a store. The company that makes the products is pretty cool -- I guess some people do a lot of business. If GooGooGoggles makes himself some money he can buy a bigger tank. Or a mail-order bride. Mrs. Goggles. Froo-Froo Goggles. Dorothy Goggles, nee Pez. I say "Dorothy," because Caitlin's newest fish is named Dorothy, despite Anji lobbying for "Pez" in my honor. So I think of it as Dotty Pez. Dotty Pez is a replacement for the much-loved, personality-rich Spot, who, as Anji explained, Entered Another World Through the Toilet. Maybe it will be a children's book. We are somewhat hindered in our desire to take over the worl... I mean do this as we live in different hemispheres TWICE -- I'm northern/western, she's southern/eastern.

posted by - 8:18 PM


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I want to ask for thoughts about improving the world -- what do people need? How can things be organised?