I want to stop writing about nothing and bring this blog back to my main issue: finding out what people need to live happy lives. My thoughts so far are few -- that's why I'm asking for input from everyone. I think we need to live in a world where money and its accumulation aren't the basis for everything. Where small areas are different from each other so you can move if you don't like the way things are run. Where schools are small, local schools. Maybe the overall governance would be by a council, the changing members of which would be assigned the task somewhat as jury-duty is done. Housing might be rotated on the basis of need/age. I'm just thinking -- I'd like to hear your thoughts so tell 'em. The things that make life worthwhile might not generate much money. Those people taking the time to learn and practice their craft (whatever it is) should be able to live, too.

I had no water when I left yesterday, but had a slight stream when I got home. Enough to have a shower this morning, anyway.
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