This was a hard week. I'm not sure I could make many more like his one -- or even want to. Tomorrow is Elders' Dinner, but I can't imagine, at this point, feeling well enough to go. What a bitter thing. My students have web-pages, paintings, mail art, artist stamps for their mail art, pastel drawings, Christmas cards (Josie made them from her bear pastel), movies, and painted cushions. This week. I have a field trip in two weeks -- the students are going to have a printmaking workshop, then go to a gallery opening for Shelley Niro, and meet her. That will be very groovy! I'm trying to get them prepared -- next week I'll focus on it. It's just Grade 6 up who are going. Thanh's wife Trang just made it over from Viet Nam. She's very lonesome. I'm going to try to have a welcoming party for her, with the help of Becky, between Christmas and New Year's Eve. I'd like to do something to make her feel that people care.
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