Yesterday was Hallowe'en -- always a fave kid holiday. I didn't expect, nor did I get, any trick-or-treaters -- there was a cougar attack recently on my street, and that tends to keep the numbers down. At school there was a classroom-to-classroom parade of witches, spidermen, screams, and batmen. Adults dressed up, but not me -- I said I was going to come as a normal person, but forgot. Actually, I'd intended to wear my Dollar Store witch nose, complete with wart and flashing red light ("Caution: Do not wear near airports"). On the 30th a kid fell in love with it (apparently) and I acquiesed to his request to take it as I thought having it back was unsanitary. He wore it upside down, and it looked hilarious -- but he claimed he couldn't breathe. Yuh, right. This week we made 3 movies, 2 animated GIFs, 2 webpages, 2 cushions, 4 pastels (in progress). Next week we'll edit the clay animation car race movie, and the dancing bones movie, and the beginning portion of House of Cats, where the Lazy One appears on the top of a race car, to the surprise of his mother (who, unaccountably, has been painted gold). These movies and others will be on our Virtual Moviehouse in about 3 weeks -- so maybe in December 2002 you can go to and check them out. I'm not sure how I'll link them -- I reckon just from the site map. One animated GIF was the work of a 2nd grader, who did a splendid job. After I walk kids through the process I'm hoping they'll understand it enough to do it on their own. My toxic mold kids are moving, they told me, which is what I'd hoped for. They may or may not still come to our school. Anji and Caitlin called me last night while I was editing video from Skok. I answered and it was Caitlin -- but I thought it was Keats -- so I asked about costumes, candy, Hallowe'en -- all of which was the day before for Caitlin, who thought I was quite strange, with my odd accent and time aberrations. I'd just sent them an evil pencam, as my desire for images is never-ending. I thought it would be fun. We'll see. The 1.3 mega takes, actually, really rather good photographs. I'm hoping for people pictures, of course, but also some fish pix, too. "Fish pix" makes me think of "Fish Stix," that racehorse who was burned on his back in a stable fire. What happened to him? I'll have to look around on the web.

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