It's Wednesday evening and I'm being mindless. Becky has been making something happen for me -- she has organised a party, at my behest, for Thanh and Trang, at my house but with no further work on my part. She got Christine to make invitations, and we are having people give money if they want to so we can get a gift certificate for the happy couple. Thanh spent years in a concentration camp and escaped by floating down a river. He went back to Viet Nam a year and a half ago and married Trang, who is a seamstress. Trang just arrived recently after many tribulations. I loaned them my sewing machine, and have one to give them (which is another reason to have the party) when they can get someone to pick it up (it has a cabinet and won't go in their car). They are making a life for themselves by working hard. Thanh is a lot of fun, even though he has many worries, and is also a good writer and artist. I had Ty, today, and he worked on his website -- it has fire-breathing dragons (he made the animated GIF) facing inward, and he made a grafitti-looking heading, then we found some of his artwork from 2000, 2001, and 2002, and he sized them for the web. I delivered my pantyhose speech -- "The web is exactly like a pair of pantyhose." Which it is -- I'm trying to get kids to understand resolution and why things are different sizes. Even to NOTICE the size of things is good. I have somehow managed to pick up another girl, Ruby, for my 1:45 class that should be just Lee and Deshawn. She has begun a landscape pastel. Christina is working on the lynx kitten or whatever it is -- but without truly observing. She goes into mindless-pattern mode -- instead of looking at the shadow under the chin gradually lightening she did it all one dark color, then, after I pointed out the light areas, she put evenly-spaced light hairs all through it, like polka dots. I spend my whole time yelling at them, but they, although they heed me, appear to like the attention. Deshawn gave an impression of me that made me laugh, and I said I might do one of him. He laughed, "Oh-oh!" His pastel is quite good, and over half done. Lee was in Cali at a pow-wow. He said last week he wouldn't take D. with him "because I don't know you." They are cousins. The kids were discussing who they are related to -- many, and complex, relationships. D.'s auntie is my 7th grade art student. It's funny to me since I grew up with no relatives (outside my household) in the same country. And some in different hemispheres.
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