Loosh is recovering, thank heavens. We were talking about health insurance paperwork screw-ups -- got myself inflamed as usual by the horrid and inhumane -- and uncivilised -- way the society in which I live puts a thousand times more pressure on sick people. You have to untangle paperwork messes, worry about making money, worry about coverage or lack of it, deal with insurance companies who are adversaries (and they aren't sick, either). They are trying to not have to pay, and they don't care about you. Gee, I can't be the only person who thinks this is horrible horrible horrible. Who in the world decided sick people would be great to make a profit from? Why is medication something you may need, but may not be able to afford? That's one reason why I can't get into the ms drug thing -- well, you can't tell if it's working (and it probably doesn't), and it's rewarding drug companies for being immoral. I'm just a crank about that stuff. I'd as soon believe in fairies as in the ms drugs they have now. Actually, I much rather believe in fairies -- too bad you can't decide on belief. That's one thing I've always wondered about religion. Maybe it is comforting to some people, maybe it helps society hang together -- who knows? -- but how in the world do people BELIEVE that stuff? Maybe you have to be raised on it. I think one might be better off believing in something, but, woops, too late for me, I reckon. What do I believe in... I believe art has the power to heal... not physically, but emotionally. It's probably not just art -- concentrating on something creative that is outside the narrow limits of your problems is good for you. Ummm... synthetic fabrics aren't as beautiful as natural fabrics. Errr... cars are nice. Uh... ... ...
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