Lucia somehow lost her blog code entirely. I said, "If it's still blank (the template window) tomorrow I'll fix it -- maybe it's just a traffic problem." I couldn't wait -- I just fixed it. I knew there was only a slender chance it would be all right tomorrow. Did I say slender? I, in fact, had NO faith it might be ok manana. Granted, I have a faith problem -- do you have "faith" in anything? What do you believe in? I believe I can fly... no wait: that's an R Kelly song. I don't believe in child molestation. I believe that for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows... or not. In this week's N.Yorker there's a nice article about ballet slippers. Of course, I spent my childhood wrapped up in ballet -- my sister and I went to some ballet school before we left England (where my favorite friend's name was Belinda), then we were scathing about the ballet school in Canada, so dropped it, but my sister (always the teacher) grilled me every day -- first position, second position, etc. We were wild over Margot Fonteyn, and filled our romantic imaginations with The Firebird and Swan Lake, and things like that. Our annuals (English children get annuals for Xmas, like Girl, Eagle, Robin, etc.) had pictures and stories. So any article about toe shoes is going to interest me very much -- excites the artistic as well as the engineering part of me. Garments that require engineering -- now that fascinates me. Brassieres. Trusses. What else? I'm sorry to not be around late enough to have a robot placed under my skin to allow me to function physically despite the ms. Still, I'm here in time for the web, which I do love.

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