I picked my sister up and took her home. My mum is feeling terrible -- coughing, weak, no appetite, can't sleep because she's coughing, etc., etc. E had instant messaged me yesterday saying her computer wasn't working and would I fix it -- it was ALL messed up to the point of Windows starting but unable to run anything. I discovered (I had never looked at it much before even though I fix it every so often) that Windows XP has a "system restore" function that will go back to when you wish to restore the settings, etc. and... fix the fuck ups. I was super happy as I'd thought I'd have to reinstall Windows, which takes ages. This computer is fab -- a good choice for a Down's Syndrome person who tampers with things (and for almost anyone, especially people who don't have someone to fix things). Yahoo! I was happy to be told by Mr O'Keefe that Charlene does NOT have a science project about space aliens. I'd thought, "They sure don't make science projects like they used to." Apparently (and he says she plays people against each other, or something like that) she thought she would stand a better chance of getting some time in my room (why kids want to be there I'll never know) if she said it was a science project she wanted to make into a webpage. I thought about it -- clearly she wishes to be special, and has learned some survival skills that seem to help her get her foot in the door -- so I guess she's right -- she stood more of a chance if I thought it was a science project. It's given me a lot to think about -- she may be a TAD mendacious, but she's willing to lie in order to get MORE work rather than less. She got her mother's permission to email using my address, so we were emailing students in China with me ragging on her the whole time about spelling, punctuation, form, etc. Then she was researching (in a fashion) aliens from outer space (in which she believes) -- it's too bad I find the space alien thing so boring -- I'm sorry it wasn't really science. Now, however, I can beat on her and make her do some original-ish alien drawings, and explain about copyrights, which she won't understand. Maybe she will write an alien lifeform story. I've got these add-ons, lately, which is ok, especially since I'm starting the yearbook. I'd like to get the Walla, Leticia, Shawneen contingent doing pages -- that is, the little sisters of star art students who don't want to be left out contingent. Erika cracks me up. And poor Gene Cooper (I can't help but think of him as Gene Krupa) is trying very hard -- he asked our principal months ago, and Mr C said he would talk to me but never did. Gene keeps asking me, so I talked to Mr C but that doesn't mean his teacher will EVER release him. I guess more will be revealed, as Marilee says.
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