My battery was flat this morning -- maybe a door was not quite closed. When I got home from jin shin yesterday I crawled into bed and slept until 5, so I didn't notice. I had to call triple A, and when the man rolled in he was driving the wrecker I have a big crush on. I told him, and he understood and approved. They are in the process of painting an eagle-and-flag on the hood. So it was an ok experience -- I love wreckers. I saw a wrecker parade, once, with wreckers from all over the western US and Canada. That was years ago -- I'd been shopping at Sunbirds in Centralia-Chehalis on the right day, and came out of the store and saw them all. Hundreds. Went to school: Josie's painting a dolphin, Christy emailed two girls in France, Andrew is making a super-complex animated GIF, Sky and Kota started editing their "House of Cats" movie. Tomorrow I have the 8th grade art students. My mum goes in to hospital tomorrow -- they will partially collapse her lung, and coat it with talcum to stop the fluid build-up. Then what? More chemo? S.J. sent me a travel Scrabble game, after I told her I'd said, "All I can do to help you is play Scrabble," to my mum. We play Scrabble in the chemo lounge (I call the big chairs "uneasy boys"), as a distraction.

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