My mother is still in hospital. She's in pain, cold, etc. We are just nutzoid. I am exhausted, and I haven't started my workweek, yet. E missed her ride on Friday, which is awful, too, although she must be having a hard time and probably needed a day off.

I just made this for Keats. The photo is the view 5 minutes ago, as mist was simply RUSHING in. It must be hard to have children because children go through (some say) the evolution of mankind as they're growing, so of course they are attracted to things of dubious taste (or, not dubious, but STINKING bad taste) at times -- and you not only have to live with that stuff but you have to BUY it. Keats hasn't hit that stage yet -- but wait til he only wants genuine polyester Anakin Skywalker sheets (or some equivilent marketing ploy) -- oh, well. E and I were driving around Capitol Lake after dark, and she said something about where we were-- to clarify she told me she was talking about "the duck side." Of course, I immediately said, "Come to duck side!" She laughed.
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