I have so many things to do now that I want to run away. Spent some time on the phone with Easy E's job coach, talking about morning services to help her get to work on time (!). And a grief counselor. She approached the conversation warily, as if thinking I'd say, "No way." I said I thought it would good for E to have a way to deal with it as she bottles up her feelings. Having a grief counselor would be good because she tries very hard to do independent "grown-up" things, and that would provide a time and a place -- important for a young woman who is not sure what is appropriate, and when. Things do tend to be all or nothing with her -- she takes what people say as absolute. So when they said her job hours might be altered a little because of the bus schedule -- I can imagine she heard them say "It's no big deal," and that meant something quite different to her than to them. And that lead directly to her leaving work early. "It's no big deal." Indeed. I was telling the job coach about the table situation. How I didn't want my sister to have the table from my Mum's house. Why? Because my mother piled papers on it. I asked E what she'd do if she had it. "I'd pile my papers on it." Uh -- So SJ and Michael got a table with two chairs in Freemont, and Elizabeth can be re-trained. The job coach, Heather, thought that was amazing I'd even thought that way. Let me tell you, I have 36 years experience with my sister -- there's no trick to it. I explained that E was trained to have some old lady ways -- she just picked them up by watching my Mum. But what's good for someone of 79 isn't as appropriate for a 36-year-old. Time for her to get young.
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