I'm updating this blog to surprise Lucia -- I told her that I might let it fade. My mum died 13 February, and I was there -- my older sister, too. I got my Down's Syndrome sister, Elizabeth, into Crowne Pointe, and she moved two days after my mum died. It was very important that her situation was all set -- she patted me on the knee and said, "You have your own place, and I have my own place, and Deborah lives in Pennsylvania. We're all all right." Today was E's 36th birthday, and we had a dinner at a Thai restaurant. E, Deb, Con, Dave, Amanda, Susan, Ann, Chris, Geraldine, Lucia, me. I gave E an Elvis commemorative book and an Elvis card. Lucia and Jim gave her 3 cool Elvis books, one of which was a Nixon visited by Elvis book that was super. Connie and Dave gave her 8 million gel pens last night at dinner at their house -- very nice dinner. Connie just got 2 additional speck-sized dogs -- Chihuahua puppies -- Zoe seemed an elephant in comparison.

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