We went to the sea theweekend before last and scattered my mum's ashes. We went on a 56' boat, and saw many grey whales, including a mating pair (I think they deserved a little privacy, but they seemed not to care). I'd never been to Westport, and it was fun spending the night with my two sisters, although I was full of trepidation about the sea trip, and my extremely limited abilities to do complicated things like GETTING TO THE BOAT, or perhaps GETTING ABOARD. The captain and mate were the most kind men, and helped me so there was no true difficulty. The captain TURNED THE BOAT so that I'd have a good view of the whales. My mother hit the sea running -- she was spreading out very quickly. I had arranged the trip as I knew I'd never be able to deal with my mother's ashes -- just had to release them before my older sister went home to Philadelphia.

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