I took EZ-E shopping and she was telling me that she'd told the softball coach, Jim, that her mother "passed away" and that she has two sister looking out for her. I feigned surprise, "I have two sisters looking out for ME! And Deborah HAS TWO SISTERS LOOKING OUT FOR HER. What a coincidence!" Yeah, yeah -- stupid. But E laughed at me, so that's good. When we dropped the groceries, E all of a sudden put on steam when she was coming back to the car. Turned out Brian was coming up the walk, and she was avoiding him. She said he's in Big Trouble for bothering Glenda. G's going after a restraining order. Since G is the best friend of E, and Brian lives directly above E, that puts E in a difficult position. I asked if Brian had kissed her on the spagfest night -- E was annoyed I'd think that when they are "just friends." Although maybe not very good friends now. Who knows. I don't know if E is enjoying the gossipy, relationship complications angle, as some adolescents do (they feel grown up, I reckon). I just bought the new record from the Long Winters -- off the web, natch. I felt in the mood, I guess. Temps much lower today -- the heat in the past week has made me quite ill (neuro crap gets worse in heat).
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