In the Olden Days, when I was a painter and wasn't sick, I used to get material to paint from by wandering around neighborhoods and commercial districts of various towns and cities, taking a bazillion photographs (I had a huge box of negs and a huge box of photos in my garage -- I'm not QUITE sure but I think I chucked them, which is ok -- movin' on, as usual). It's hard for me now even to push the freakin' button, however, I realised today (as I was driving around Olytown taking photos) that I'd started doing it again -- due mainly to my fotoblog, I reckon, and the sense of community that fotolog has created. Digital, not with film, and with the kind of immediacy I can get into -- I had a good time. Then I picked up E so we could get her Rx.
This morning I took my car in for my garage to look at/change oil. They did. I was amused to see my mileage was accidentally exactly what was on my "change oil" sticker. Only because I wanted the buzz checked out. They've put a window in their garage -- they said now they can see who's sneaking up on them. Rather indelicately, the bathroom door is now in the window, but I suppose that doesn't matter.
Shelley rang and said my pater is making more sense, is eating/chewing better, is getting stronger. I have to go for an Expert Team and Family meeting next week.
I need to go to the pow-wow and take pix tomorrow. I began today feeling quite spry, but then deteriorated to my present state of exhaustion.
The title company called me -- they thought the trailer deal was still on. And I have been calling Larry since Monday, trying to get an idea what I should do about the Wells Fargo deadline and the shortfall. They want 8,400 and my mother's estate has 6,700. Am I liable for the difference? One wouldn't suppose so. Why was Wells Fargo giving an uninsured loan to a late-70s woman with cancer?? I have decided that they are evil, too. Stupid, stupid Wells Fargo, you are killing me.
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