Jeez, my blog has changed into a New Blog -- looks freaky to me.
Had to take E out to get -- chips for the office Beach Day Simulation -- went to El Nopal for dinner. Spied Marie and Hester as we were driving away. Friends of my mum from church, mum/daughter -- the family is from South Africa. Hester has the terrible osteoporosis that doesn't bear thinking about. Mum wanted Marie to have the mahogany settee, so I gave it to her. E and I mailed 3 grand to her payee, and deposited her paychecks. uhh...
Distracted by new-looking blog interface...
E's job coach called me yesterday morning to outline various problems... poor E, she is trying to cope with it all herself because she doesn't want to burden me.
Chuck told me the "10,000 dollar guy" has offered 13,500 for the trailer... I hope it goes through all right...
Anyway, I took my car in this morning to get the cooling system cleaned up. It's hot, today, and the new window they put in last week was covered up. I said, "Ant under a magnifying glass, eh?" Washington is not usually very hot, so I suppose it won't kill them. It's local strawberry season now -- a very short season for the wonderful, juicy, tart local strawberries. I never buy California strawberries because they blow big time.
Monsters are home from AZ, and my p/c arrived today. The parental units live across the mountains from the major fires, but the fires were visible at night. Damn, I should've told them to get strawberries.
Con has back-to-back weddings on her schedule, and various things including a trip to France.
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