Tiff (former WHL principal) had the text of the Frank's Landing curriculum completed, so I spent Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon doing the graphics, and Tues, Wed finishing up and burning CDs. And school Tues, Wed, then Graduation on Thursday. I was wickedly wasted -- unexpectedly had to (when I arrived all rosy-cheeked knowing I had everything completed) address printing problems the techie was having, then sit by the printer and babysit a load of programs that should've been printed last week. I wound up sending them one-sided to the copy machine to get the outside printed in black as time ran out -- don't know what happened after that as I was told to go sit with the school board in the front row. I was introduced and made to stand up -- how nice. I've been there 13 years. And the 8th graders had 2 people they thanked and called up to put the button robe around their shoulders. Carmela called her father and me. We were given roses. The ceremony went on for hours. Tiff and I snuck away without eating (I never do eat -- too long a line) and went to eat elsewhere, and decompress slightly. I was seriously exhausted. Then we went to see Matrix:Reloaded, which had nice titles, but as far as the rest, it just made reading hilarious online amateur reviews fun.
My father fell several bazillion times, and then they x-rayed and found a broken, displaced hip. He was operated on Wednesday, discharged into a nursing facility today, and will remain there for 10-30 days -- according to the medicos. His wife thinks she and I are going to have to make the serious decision very soon. I don't quite get it: isn't this a little bit too much of the nasty side to accumulate at one time in one family? Don't most people spread their death, Alzheimer's, MS, Down's Syndrome, prostate cancer, esophageal cancer, broken hips, HepC, debt, trailer parks, and Daewoos over decades? -- we have it all in the present moment (which is eternal, I reckon)(seems like that, anyway).
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