When I was at my garage on Thursday a white Legacy wagon was in one bay. Then a college student arrived for an oil change, so that car was backed out and her white Volvo wagon was driven in. I was idly sitting at the little ice cream table next to the spray bottles, and she was leaning on the counter. I said, "You have a better bumpersticker than the last car." She has one of those "Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket" stickers. She said her uncle in Arizona had sent it to her. Pause... "What was the last one?" "Bush." Silence. Then later she told me she thought Sha was cute, which is true. Maybe she hasn't made up her mind, but has family who are Repubs. Damn it, bumperstickers should be marked clearly, even if they are not political. I always thought it was a clear divide: one side = humor.......crush the masses = other side. The Repubs get "crush the masses," and "greed."
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