Spent two seconds this morning thinking about peri-menopause, with all its attendant woes. I always liked my period, and I never thought of it as bad in any way. I'm a painter, and it was always like red paint to me. As much as an artist can have a favorite color, red is often mine. Last week Frank (who wants me to get with the 13-month calendar) asked me if I'd looked at 13moons.com and found out my "signature." Yes, yes, I did -- I looked at the stuff thinking, "Who made up all THIS?" and hoping it wasn't anything to do with the bloodthirsty Aztecs. I wasn't happy to see I am in the Yellow Solar Human category, because, I told him, I don't like yellow -- it's a death color for me. And not yellow in practice -- I've painted lots of things yellow by choice and been very happy. More like yellow in theory. I told Frank about a dream I had when I was about 8. In the dream I was sick in a high bed with a bedside table loaded with pill bottles. My (dead) dog Boy, a border collie, was below, reaching his nose up to me, but I couldn't reach him -- the bed was too high (or maybe I was TOO HIGH ;-). His formerly white ruff and teeth were yellowed -- like white hair might be yellowed, or ivory, or... Frank said I hadn't interpretted the dream correctly, and that yellow meant blah-blah, which I didn't take in because my theory of death is so long-standing. I first encountered the 13 month calendar when I read that calendar book (history of) -- and I could see the logic of it, but I thought about it carefully and realised it didn't appeal to me because I don't like things that are symetrical. However, that's a pretty personal reason. I have come around to thinking it might be good, as I like things to change radically for the fun of it. They will have to (to appeal to me) come up with some better names, though, than the ones I've seen. One of the reasons our present calendar is considered undesirable is because the names don't match the month-number when they are supposed to, and some people object to "August," etc., as being relics of a former mercenary era. I've always liked both things, though -- how human, that things aren't tidy, but odds and ends from the past wind up in the present...
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