Another Secret Plan
This has been kicking around in my brain for years.
You know, if someone told you that they wanted you to go to work ever day but not get paid, you'd howl with laughter. Your motivation for going to work is this: You Need The Money.
So I think that children should be paid to go to school.
Actually, I'm not sure I think this -- but it seems interesting to address.
Schools can't be responsible for educating children when they have no control over a vital piece of the equation. That piece being the home. If your parents don't care if you get an education, how can school make it happen? You can choose -- except not really when you are very young, and not really unless you don't mind feeling like you've chosen against your family's way of doing things. Paying children is not going to help everything -- but at least it makes a clear and obvious benefit so maybe some parents and some children will decide an education is a good thing. School would have to be run like work. I remember in school our young teachers told us we were being conditioned to boredom so we'd accept the tedium of a factory job. Well, maybe -- hasn't quite worked out that way if that's what was intended. However, if society wants workers and if it wants higher literacy statistics in order to be able to feel good -- then it should pay children to go to school and fire them if they act up.
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