Lucia and Jim are in Florida for poetry readings by Lucia; Tiff is still in Guatemala; Amanda is at graduate school in Chicago; Con 'n' Dave have lately returned from France; Pete 'n' Marilee just returned from Reno or Las Vegas I think Reno; Deb 'n' Mas' Rich (he always makes me call him that) are soon headed on a longish cruise to I don't know where; I'm playing around in There, except I have a slight problem with display that I haven't started working on yet. I just go There because I want to run and fly. Perfect for me. Someone loaned me a car yesterday which I drove (on purpose) into a building.
Beyond that the only traveling I get to do is mind-travel around the Villa Rotunda. I have to give that tape back to the library soon. Damnation, I haven't watched it enough yet.
Once as an evil teenager I was hitch-hiking home at about 3 in the morning, and an opera singer picked me up. I guess it was around 1970 or 1969. He was wearing white knee breeches, and was very nice. He explained to me why he was dressed so peculiarly (just leapt off a stage in Philadelphia and into his car) but I actually hadn't noticed at all -- with that particular way 16 year olds have (esp on acid) of not seeing or caring what "old people" are up to. I was a completely upset and unhappy adolescent, esp since it was the Viet Nam war and I went to school across the road from Valley Forge Military Hospital... weird time ... well, I'm paying for it now... there was NO ESCAPING the horror of that time.
I graduated in 1971, which means I wasn't in high school for Agnes, but I was just out.
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