E was all into the idea of Hallowe'en from a month or more ago. She bought a special bowl from the Goodwill, bought candy, made cookies (I made her take them to work). I called today to ask how it'd gone, and she revealed that she'd had NO trickortreaters at all, and was bummed about it. I said, "Well, what if we go REVERSE trick or treating? We'll go to friends' houses and you can run up and say "Trick or treat!" and give them candy. She laughed. So in the hope of salvaging this holiday for her we're going to Con's and Loosh's. The Monsters will be out. Then we'll go see the Pumpkin House (we were going to do that anyway), then go grocery shopping at Slaveway. I feel so downright terrible that if there were a way to not go but have it happen anyway, I would do it. Sadly, however, I have to do this, and maybe I will rally and rise to the challenge.
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