E's in NYC, but she surprised Aunt Fluffy by refusing to talk to me on the phone when she was called over. I wasn't surprised. "There's someone who wants to talk to you," Aunt Fluffy said, to which I replied, "I doubt it." Dave took E to Seatac and got her on the plane. D + R picked her up at JFK, and now they're at Karen and Lenny's on Long Island. SJ and Michael made two trips but got the paintings from Missy's to my house. I hadn't seen the paintings for years -- nice. Some are in the garage un-viewed as yet. Jose the Jack Russell came in and was great fun. I got seriously exhausted, though -- especially coming after an exhausting day yesterday. I noticed as E and I were packing that there's a box for Richard and a box for Lenny. That's it. I guess they rate!! We all know E likes those (as Marilee calls them) penis people best. I got a card from Steven and just started crying. Dang -- started AGAIN.

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