When I got the tree for E I also got two star ornament/picture frames as I thought she might like to have her mummy and daddy on the tree. When I got home I thought, "Damn! I should've got three." Instead of mum and dad it's likely to be mum and Elvis.
Loosh has an implanted baclofen pump to dispense that anti-spasticity drug into her spine. She just noticed it's working its way out -- there's a hole and metal is showing. Reminds me of The Terminator. She's flipped out and thinks it's funny at the same time, much like Ginger, a student at Wa He Lut, who wrote about the 1996 flood that destroyed the school, "It was horrible but cool."
I'm going with E to see Pump Boys and Dinettes* tomorrow, then we have to scamper back to her place so she can go to Joe's birthday. I told Loosh this morning that I am trying to make this a good xmas for her. As we both saw, however, E is having a very good time going to NYC, Joe's birthday, Pump Boys, the Christmas Cruise -- and being the recipient of things and more from many people.
*this might involve She Who Cannot Be Mentioned In My Blog -- wait... is that allowed? Did I mention SWCBMIMB?
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