I Made This Up As Usual
I've always thought that the first person ever to have multiple sclerosis was Daphne -- you know, who was being chased by Apollo and in answer to her prayer was turned into a laurel. I've always loved the Bernini statue, and when I first got ms I felt I was turning to wood -- losing sensitivity, becoming unable to move, etc. Like Daphne. I think it should have a better name than "ms," especially since "ms" is used for lots of things including Microsoft, a title for females "Ms.," manuscript, mailstop. The disease should be called... um... not Daphnitis, as that would be a painful swelling of the Daphne. Apollophobia? No, no, no. Daphne's Disease? Like Bright's Disease? Daphnerosis -- worse, worse. Daphne's Solution? Daphne's Escape? Hmmm. Daphne's Escape. Yes -- I like that. I suffer from Daphne's Escape.
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