well you know these online shops have to be cautious of those strange olympian people...maybe they have been caught before.
we don't move until end of june, however steve goes on may'll be a tough ride without him...he'll be able to come down every second weekend or so, then we have the FIGI (that unknown place) trip on 12-19june, so that will be a nice family holiday. before the big sea change.
and no there will not be anymore nieces or nephews for you, not from me anyway, can't speak for Jason tho,,,brad probably in distant future.
so the big house can be full of international/interstate visitors.
Caitlin is having her party on sunday, we have 20 kids coming...bloody heck,
but since it's her last in melbourne for a long long time, thought let her have a wild one. made the fairy pinata and have a fairy entertainer coming, who i have seen several times and is fantastic...entertain the kids for 1&1/2 hours...then i only have to put on my party face for another hour or so. i'll send pics later.
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