When I was at Looper's we lay on the bed while the virus scan was running, and she made me laugh so hard I was teary. We were talking about JFK's funeral and how affected people were at the time, then she said that a pair of sisters at her school, named "Petrie" (I called them the Petrie Dishes, natch) were weeping one day much later. "What's wrong?" "EISENHOWER just died," they sadly replied. I howled when she told me the story, but I just can't tell it like she does. We talked about beejays and presidents -- she said every president had had a beejay in the Oval Offce. I said, "Nixon? Who would? Pat?" I thought maybe J. Edgar Hoover, although I first mistakenly said some other name I can't remember now for J.E.Hoover and L said, "???" Well if your name is Hoover I'm sure beejays are right up your alley...
My shirt was accepted by There -- Yay!! -- so now I can wear it and people can buy it, although I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
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