I'm Too Good at Suffering: Part 77697805645645524352345436456
When the person before this one lived downstairs, she put up windchimes, which I loathed. The noise rreached right into my living space -- and the cowbells... uh... windchimes... were hung directly under my bedroom window. I didn't complain for who knows what reason, although I complained to her about other things periodically. When she moved my first thought was, "Yay! No more cowbells!!" To my horror I realised that she had moved away from her own cowbells, a solution I hadn't thought of. Finally, after a LONG TIME, I emailed the man below and he replied:
No problem.... as of Saturday, I'll take them down. Never thought about it except in breezy conditions (which put me into a spin).
D is out there looting and pillaging... slashing and burning... weedwhacking and burning debris -- she's certainly enthusiastic. Too bad she's not putting the roof on. In former times I put many rooves on, of many types, and I'd say there's about a half-day worth of work left... but when will they do it? My view today:
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