Well, after two days I'm finally REALLY hooked up. After Matt left Mr Landlord did some cool things including setting up the wireless internet and leveling the bookcase which holds my computer. Then he left. Then later, we went offline. I rang Comcast this morning after first calling Mr L to tell him what I was up to. The Comcast phone tree dumped me in the lap of a business-like woman who gave me instructions, including "unplug the power wire, and we'll wait..." I said, "Sing to me," and she erupted into laughter and said, "Let's not go there -- I won't even sing in the shower!" She arranged for a Comcastrian to appear between 2 and 6. A very nice fellow appeared -- a fisherman! He was worried that the line had too faint a signal, and did a lot of running around searching out connections. He was able to remove a splitter downstairs, restoring strength to the line and happiness to me.
I spoke with Looper about the Author Photograph that we worked on unsatisfactorily on Sunday. And, too, about the webpage bio update, and the comment left by a former student.
I spent most of the day doing a couple of quests and riding around on my hoverboard in There.
Shelley emailed me, which is good.
I'm meeting Tiff for dinner tomorrow.
I'm handing my old computer to Marilee on Friday.
I need to go shopping for food. Shopping for food is stupid. Ugh.
Mmmm... eventually I'll get all my webby crapola functioning -- like the lake webcam. I've been exceedingly tired. Now that everyone is out of my house perhaps I can calm down and sleep.
Jin shin tomorrow.
I like my new computer A LOT.
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