Amanda is a Master
This actually happened about six weeks ago, more or less -- but I'm just now giving Amanda a congratulatory blogmention: You go, girl! She completed her master's degree in nine months in Chicago -- and the fam sent me this card from Chi-town as they know I'm a Wright-winger. Woohoo! Yay for Amanda!
Now I've got a little gallery in Second Life, and you can buy my paintings to hang on your virtual walls (for about 40 cents ROFL). I'd like to have more space to experiment -- can't do it, though. Each plot of land has a prim allowance. Mine is 117, and I've been back and forth across that line for days (things go off-world when they put one over the allowed number of prims). I don't want to delete the few trees I've put on here -- but I need the prims, man -- I will have to. A complex object may be formed from lots of prims. I try to get the most out of the ones I'm allowed, while raising my skill level with experimentation. I may wind up deleting everything but the gallery and paintings (maybe 13 or 14 prims) and building up in the air... who knows...
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