The place where I bought (rented? registered? signed-up for?) a couple of years ago seems to be offline at the moment, which is bothersome. Tiff is coming over after her PT appt for her hip (she lives a long way away but her medical crapola is all here). I said, "What if your hip problem is caused by driving?" Just attempting to make trouble, as usual. She had the operation to remove the bursa in the affected area, but there's something else besides the former bursitis, I understand. I have a painful hip problem which I deal with by ignoring pain, which I'm rather horrifyingly good at. Wow, the sun just came out and highlighted all the cobwebs on the outside of the uncleaned windows. Very pretty -- I think cobwebs are rather amazing. Spiders are amazing. I used to watch spiders and ants and everything else as a wee child. In Canada when I was small there was a milkweed patch behind one particular house, fodder for the caterpillars which became monarch butterflies. The chrysalis of that particular caterpillar was brittle and foamy-looking, as though it had given inspiration to whoever invented that spray insulation foam. I used to let preying mantises run up and down my arms, and I can remember puzzling over a stick-insect and its camoflaging body shape. I also remember being outside once when the Junebugs started to fall like rain. Splat X about a million. When I went to visit Judy in Albuquerque a few years ago there was a rain of insects that left huge beetles bumbling around everywhere inside and out, and the dead floating in the swimming pool and crunching underfoot on the ground.
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