Went to work... actually felt rather well. Vincent's working on a car drawing, with color and line layers. Gabe took some pictures for the school website and began working on a portfolio cover. Michael is working on his Salish sea wolf. Halisa was drawing in a frivolous mood. Andrew was in trouble, then came in and said he was quitting art, then left and came back with Hammer behind him saying, "You made your choice..." I can't MAKE him behave, nor am I interested in making anyone do anything, so he needs to straighten himself out. The man who is some kind of circle leader (and who curses at the children I hear) came in with children and saw me, "Oh, you're in here." I said, "It's MY ROOM." Sheesh.
Went to Phyneas Jack's lookout to listen to Philip Linden's town hall meeting. He was in NYC at a convention, so it was 1 am when he finished. There's been a large investment made in SL by an individual who PL feels is sympatico with SL, and who knows all about it. They're celebrating by bringing new servers online tomorrow for void and sandbox sims, which is good news.

I forgot all about the eclipse -- well, too bad.
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