I sent the notecard to Char Linden as Nova wasn't around. She got back to me and said it sounded like the infamous Red Wing object, which was what I was reminded of even though my knowledge of that is sketchy. She said she could come by if I was wearing everything I was wearing last night, to which I replied, "I don't think she got it last night - I had a previous IM that made no sense to me until last night." I asked her to try to find out WHEN the picture was sent so I can try to figure out what I might've had attached to me. I so rarely wear anything that I haven't made myself that I should be able to find it -- and it's got to be in a new object and not the red wings, now.
Although the woman said in her IM that she is new, she joined Sept. 8th - that's not very new. The only contact I had with her was at Gravity - telling her she needed a patch for Photoshop 7 to make alpha channels, as she'd been unable to do it and hadn't realised it was a software issue and not her. I asked Char to tell her it was a malicious prank and not me -- since Char has an official status.
I'd hate to think there're dozens of rude pictures attached to my name in people's inventories :(
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