Made a 7-question quiz and put it in the virtual world by a clickable sign. It's just the first test. Saw the kids, too, and Alan couldn't enter WHL again like yesterday. Alina was there (at Cornell) yesterday but offered no fix. I'll probably get in trouble for this, but I reckoned that account must've been removed from an access list, so I found the access/build lists and added him. And now it's fine but I'm sure Rich will come down on my head like a ton of bricks next week.
Used an Aussie program for the quiz - maybe there's a similar one here... maybe that thing the Bureau was involved in does this... can't remember, actually... I made things for it but I don't think I could use them, or there was no way to use them. Hmmm...
Had an email telling me the online indicator of mine from SimCast had been returned, so I went there to see what the deal was. Sim testing. Talked to Grim, who is v. nice. Talked to PT later when I sent him a folder with a many-part clothing set for the Kao'ans. I asked him to give it to them, as the Kao'ans are being helpful alpha testers and all-around-useful-and-loyal-helpers. Besides, I like the Kao'ans.
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