Showed things to SimCast man and a woman. The woman put my back up by saying, 'Who cares about history?" I do, actually. It was evident to me that they aren't familiar with drawings from that period. I suppose game players might not like to look in a way they don't see as cool -- but I was told they wanted farmers, peasants, blacksmiths, weavers, etc., as well as warriors. Anyway, my evil warrior blew them away and they liked most of the others - just not the peasant. I was disgruntled by the fact that when they let me in specifically to get a feel for the game, they didn't tell me that the entire Bedford sim would be wiped. That means the Viking village I used as a starting point for some clothing designs is just gone, now. I'd made a website of pictures for them since Second Life was having hardware problems and we couldn't get in. I took more screenshots today and added them to the page.
The poor Linden Laborers had to slave away for days to fix the problems. It was bad enough that Philip Linden posted a message on the forum. We were all hanging out on the forum with everyone pissing and moaning, then Yadni started a forum soopa club party and put people in a better mood. I had just heard about, and started, the update download, and logged in, when Foxy wrote "more people here than in SL..." I replied, "Not anymore, Foxy." A few minutes later I saw her at Gravity. Then I went to Voss and hung out with Enjah at the skating party. Tay IMed me and said, "I love it when noobs build stuff," and a picture he'd taken popped onto my screen. A sheep. A veeery basic sheep. I laughed, tried to send it to Enj but actually sent it back to Taylor. I said I was going to start a website of noobie builds. I have to look and see what I have -- I know I have the first thing I made (a leopard-print beanbag chair). I was telling Lindens "thank you" when Andrew told me he reads my blog a bit every couple of weeks. I sort of... forget that sometimes people read my blog -- I know I'm read by Looper, Karan, Anan, Becky, Jim, David, Rayne, maybe Alan P., mmmm... well I don't want to presume... I'm not sure if I have anyone else who stops by regularly. I lost some readers who are friends as they
found it too depressing.
Deb and Richard rang me at their New Year's time. All their cats have died of old age but Deborah doesn't want another even though Richard does. Extreme old age -- jeez their cats were OLD. They are edging towards getting a computer (also a Deb-no).

Evil warrior dude. Props - my axe and war fork from Darklife.

Yes, I know they didn't have horned helms. I succommed.

Groovy peasant.
Labels: New Year's Day
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