Going Out of My Head...
It's another creepy sunny day and power boats have been disturbing the wildlife on the lake. One just went by. I SWEAR I saw two black swans fly off. I must be going crazy. What could they have been that might've made me think they were black swans? I am not drunk or on drugs so I must be insane. Or I saw something that I identified in a split second as a black swan but is really something else. An immature... uh...
Feeling ... not... uh... good.
Much Ado About Nothing
On Friday in Second Life a stranger started talking to me while I was busy doing something, and started showing me various things from his inventory. Then he said, "Want to see something cool?" and I idly said all right. Immediately I was shot high into the air and I logged off. There's no inflection or body language of course, in SL keyboarding, and I wasn't sure if the boy was a goofy immature person who actually thought it was cool to be thrown in the air -- which in some ways it was, I suppose. If you wanted to, and if you knew what was going on, and if you knew the person sending you into orbit then it would be fun-ish if you have low standards. But I don't know. Wishing him no ill I chalked it up to "I'll never know," and went on. Yesterday I was doing something in my gallery and noticed someone in the water. I flew down to -- too late! I was encased in a cage and sank to the bottom of the bay. I escaped by teleporting home then looked up the perp's profile and looked at the blank abuse report with an eye to filing. I'm cutting about half of this out -- anyway I didn't file but banned the griefer from my land and disallowed outside scripts. It wasn't a big deal but just made me wonder if the two events were related. The second avatar was clearly an alt (having been created that day). He had already garnered a negative behavior rating which says something in these $25L/rate times. I suppose the fact that he had a neg-rate means the two events were probably coincidental and the alt was running about griefing in a minor but irritating way for reasons of his own and was also a black swan.
What? Did I say something odd?
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