Thundercloud Partridge's Hats!
I first encountered TC when I bought a pumpkin from him last October. He later had a Hallowe'en party at the Alue Cemetary that was fun. I just went to visit the cemetary but found a whole amusement park - and an alien brain in a jar and hats! I was buying hats when TC came up behind me and asked if I liked them. Yes! He gave me transfer perms on two so I could send them to Enjah and Alan, and he very generously gave me this Carmen Miranda hat! Ozymandias always wears a tricorne, and I have haunted Tweke Underhill's hat shop hoping for new styles that might be fun. Now I've found TC's hats and the variety is astonishing! He's a very nice man, and talented, too. Wonder what the brain will do once it's finished?
Fez fer the Monstrosos
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