I spent all day working on school things - the yearbook, then the virtual world. I added various things including a water testing info station with 8 lighted posts that link to a webpage for each test - Dissolved Oxygen, Fecal Coliform, pH, etc., and a moving 4-part ring that weaves itself into an atom-looking thing. It was for fun - I surrounded it with barricades and danger-do-not-click-on-the-green-glow signs - in the hopes that everyone will click on it (whereupon it shrieks, "You accursed brat! I'm melting! Mellltiinnnggggg."). I added some sounds and downloaded more to be loaded onto the server so we can splash when we jump in the water. I was under the surface cleaning when I saw a stranger! Eeek! I went closer and it was this:
She must be able to hold her breath for a long time. Maybe she stores oxygen in her shoes.
Small bit of the area where visitors would land... still working on it.
Rather realistic dairy manure pile in the background.
Each test has a post and each post has a blinking light and links to a webpage. Boring-ish, but it's a start.
Acme Widgets spews smoke into the air (rocks with concrete texture, made to revolve) and ugly sludge into the river.
Moving rings around a green glow - don't touch it! It's evil!
I just ran in Second Life, and saw I'd sold three paintings. That's nice.
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