Well, I hadn't seen or heard from our vice principal since I got nowty and threw the counselor-type woman out of my room in September, and I just reckoned I was on the stinky list. I had to protect my program from interference and my students from unwanted outsider input into their art classes, so it was all right. On Wednesday, though, I received two visits and several emails from the v.p., so I guess I fell off the stinky list at long last. I had to proof a brochure, advise about printing, set up a new pow wow webpage with "royalty" application (and I've been trying to get an updated page posted since Wednesday afternoon - frustrating and annoying), said I'd add a job section to the website. Oh, and wrote part of a grant application. Ha. That was a funny addition to my real work. And I started printing the yearbook. Beat on poor Rosanne to make her get the last photographs taken (I insisted on retakes for the really horrid shots). The thing is, if it was my picture as a child, in this book that is distributed to everyone and kept for years, I would want a decent photograph. Or if I were the parent of a student I'd like my child to be shown in a nice way.
In Second Life Salazar came round yesterday and told me he was looking at the land lilone had put up for sale. I was very surprised - seems as though she had just got there, and was still building bits. That's the land on which the very ugly Fantasy Castle once stood. Perhaps she grew weary of the unfinished plywood build on the hilltop directly adjoining her property. Anyway, I was jazzed as Salazar bought it for the Trust. I had swapped my palms for evergreens a while back so I'd match the Forest of Kahruvel (I'm sure I didn't spell that right - and Sal laughed when I spelled Phyneas with an eye so obviously my spelling is suspect) and now the Forest is curling around me in a comfortable way. I moved my gallery deck over today as yesterday I came out of my house (where I was finishing a custom job for one of my favorite twins) to talk and fell the height of the hill. Embarrassing.
I decided that the animation "count" that's a standard in our inventories is about as good as we could get for snapping fingers even if we get a custom made. We will have to add the sound then hang out at the coffee house reading Beat poetry and... oh, I was going to look up Pull My Daisy.... maybe I'll go off and see if it's streamed from somewhere...
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