I went to the Looper house for dinner last night, which was nice. Jim cooked lamb (he always cooks lamb to buck me up) and it was delicious. Looper and I sat and talked. I laughed a lot as I answered her questions about SL, and she laughed a lot telling me about the mystery baby). Mozart was playing in the background, and the evening was cloudy and cool as I like it. The mystery baby: a grandbaby of a friend. The friend seems to be unwilling to speak of this baby, although (according to L's answers to my questions) SHE knows that Looper knows that there is a baby. But through the magic refractions of the societal prism since there's some reason for the baby to not be spoken of, presto! the baby is a non-baby... not even an ex-baby. The prism seems to be a very old one to me, although with the fog descending rapidly on this society, it may be a very new one. I know not. I don't take part in the society-at-large. I work in Indian country and the rest of the time I live in my head. Now that I spend a lot of time in Second Life, it's a bit like living in Philip's head (founder of SL). At the Second Anniversary I thanked him in an IM for letting me into his dream, as it's a wonderful place. I was misty-eyed for 1.3 seconds, then went back to my usual mode.
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