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05 August 2005

Second Life
Had a photoshoot with Sel and Enj, and made Flamenco Romance book (making turning-page type books now). Then, belatedly, IMed Baron G to ask his permission to take pictures in Sanctum Sanctorum. Haven't heard back yet, hope he says it's ok. Otherwise, back to the photoshooting. Talked to hippip this morning, and he expressed his view that I must be typing this all from inside an insane asylum. Ha! I said, "You don't think Fanta Jimnauseum is a good name?"

They had the drawing for a lifetime account today. I didn't think I wanted to go - I was sailing - but suddenly decided to go. Too late - as the sim was full and therefore inaccessible. I didn't win anything, but we all got colored flying things called Benshees which are color-coded to avatar ID numbers. Mine is blue/purple in light colors, but is green now that I have changed it to dark. I hate light purple.Benshees wizzing around.

I sailed around the edge of a large area with no void sims, so it had an uncrossable middle.
I'm now doing yearly events for the second time. Last year Barbarra B had a touching Hiroshima Day ceremony, so I asked her if she will be doing it tomorrow. She says if she can get everything together she will. I'm interested in Burning Life again, too. I had a great time building last year as a feckless noob, but this year will be better if I get the chjance.

posted by - 8:24 PM


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I want to ask for thoughts about improving the world -- what do people need? How can things be organised?