Second LifeHung out in the 1.7 preview grid feeling funky. Put all my roadside attractons and things out, and noted how the New Shiny affects them: colors look chalky except for very light tints. First time I've ever seen them all out. Some fellow came by and said, "You make weird things." "Thank you."
Found some land and bought it (the money and the land ownership are for testing purposes only). As I was buying a whole lot of 16m2 plots I crashed. Found my way back and bought the rest. Started buiding a cave. Shaun Linden came by and told me to file a bug report. Filed a bug report. Kept getting "sim going down you are being logged out" notices. Finally narrowed the behaviour that seemed to cause this to drag-shift duplication. Filed bug reports. In Newcomb (should call it Duke Newcomb, perhaps) I added the rotate script to the weathervane and every time it turned the linked prims black. I think it's not updating fast enough. Filed a bug report, etc. I'm a lousy person for the preview testing, so I'm sure I did nothing productive, but it was interesting. I will be hanging out there. Right now it's um... maybe I killed it...
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