Enjah's son survived the surgery and is doing well in post-op. I raced as a giant snail and was hit with lag and rubber-banding, and the snail-flinger gizmos didn't fling me correctly and I had to find out my last correct gate and go back - lots and lots of times. The last big fling dropped me in the middle of the course, and I was unsure what gate I needed. I went to the end gate as it was closest, but it wasn't right so I had to run to the far end of the course and get re-flung, which worked! Racer was yelling, "What's wrong! Keep going, you're in second!" I secured second place, yay! I made Racer a Racer-looking shirt to go with his zoot suit (made by me), because he's the coolest. I made an animated GIF for Enjah featuring her new insulated pot. I made a tintable feather as Perwin asked me for one with all permissions so he can attach them to his staves. Actually, that's what I'd done with my lovely blue feather - attached in to my staff. It looks nice that way.
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