I made an alphabet book yesterday that is illustrated with pictures taken in Second Life - some of things I made, but mostly things from others. I IMed everyone (big chore) to tell them and ask their permission, and sent them each a book. I have had wonderful responses so far - almost everyone has responded, too. I got this response this morning, which made me laugh:
Starax Statosky: (Saved Fri Oct 14 08:08:00 2005) Great book!! :)
Osprey Therian: Yay! I just felt it was respectful to ask every person whose work is included - no need to respond to this but I thank you again.
The Resident you messaged is in 'ignorant mode' which means they are very ignorant. Your message will still be shown in their IM panel for later viewing. Despite their best efforts to avoid your messages, we at Linden Lab will make sure they see them.
Starax Statosky: and thanks for including me Osprey! :)
Ha ha! Ignorant mode!
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