I started this new contest a little while ago - I made those (and more) frames for entrants to use to make interesting pictures. It didn't occur to me that someone might just think I wanted them to put an old snapshot in the frame and send it to me - that was mentioned but hasn't happened - and won't, I hope. I specified in the notecard - a NEW snapshot incorporating the frames CREATIVELY - be a famous painting, build a melting watch - do something interesting for god's sake. Gad, sir, but I don't see how people can complain about being bored if they don't avail themselves of opportunities to be creative.
I took that picture on the roof of the Brownstone East. I attached the small frames to me, sat on the big frame, and turned it sideways so I could use my monitor proportions. I put a huge white prim behing me and painted the sky in when I put it in Photoshop.
Went to the kick-off block party for the SLCC (in NYC), but was unhappy just dancing about talking to Enjah (who was in the form of a Killer Tomato) in IM, so logged off. As soon as I finish this I'll go back to watching Kundun.
I've felt rotten for the past couple of days. Tomorrow I have a freelance job to do - A$ is coming and bringing a lot of things to add to the website. This morning I raced as a giant snail on Racer's diabolical obstacle course, and wound up finishing so far ahead that I was able to watch the race for a while in the stands. It was interesting to see the giant snails flying through the air, propelled by the magic of LSL. When I started racing we ran along the ground. Oh, how simple were those long-ago days.
I'm sitting on the lower right as the fireworks resound for the second place finisher.
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