Home from work at 5:30 or so - long day. Worked with Sabra and Cheyenne on their comic strip - at this point they have each drawn a character full-face and from the side, have scanned them, and are coloring them. Sabra's is a beeyooteeful girl and Cheyenne's is a crazed artist who is also a wasp. I'm interested to see how they wind up interacting. Vincent was on a field trip. In the virtual world the Tuesday team got the idea a bit, and now there are copied objects everywhere plus space ships moving up high and down into the ground. I have subdivided (per Alina's idea) the new world into individual valleys (she thinks they need privacy and who knows) and put signs up of the order "Milan's Land." I should change the signs to something like "Milan Valley" perhaps. Then I can tell them they have the valley but the hills are buffers. The areas are varied as I like variety and just couldn't help myself - but I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I should make one with a needlelike point of land upon which someone can build a house. Might be cool. I already discussed with Scott how he could build a house in the air "supported" by helicopters. Course I'm a sucker for helicopters.
In Second Life I uploaded my mummy's ATS picture and put it at the Remembrance Day site created by Garnet P. There was no one else there at the time and I should go back and see how it's changed. I keep feeling like I should upload my grandpa in his 14-18 uniform, although then I'll feel like I need to add my uncles, etc. Maybe I should...
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