For the LETTERS contest I sent out the poster as usual - but also a few "special delivery" letters that give a notecard when clicked. This morning I got good feedback from someone who is very savvy. We all know communication is my weak point - and it's really hard for me to make something clear. He said:
okay you. you need your bum kicking and I'm going to kick it because I like to kick nice bums
it just took me 5 minutes to figure out what the hell that was
the letter thing :)
Osprey Therian: kick away!
I think you're too close to it. or you're issuing them out to friends who know about your contests
so it makes assumptions
Osprey Therian: Feedback is good -
Osprey Therian: How can I improve it?
get a big title in there that says slaps somebody across the face and shouts 'PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST!!!!' into their ear
Good advice - I need to go and change the notecard right away.
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